For sale is CFA 2025 Program Curriculum Level III Full Set All 3 Pathways
볼륨에는 다음이 포함됩니다:
- Core Curriculum
- Volume 1: Asset Allocation
- Volume 2: Portfolio Construction
- Volume 3: Performance Measurement
- Volume 4: Derivatives And Risk Management
- Volume 5: Ethical and Professional Standards
- Portfolio Management Pathway
- Volume 1: Portfolio Management Pathway
- Volume 2: Portfolio Management Pathway
- 프라이빗 마켓 경로
- Volume 1: Private Markets Pathway
- Volume 2 Private Markets Pathway
- 개인 자산 경로
- Volume 1: Private Wealth Pathway
- Volume 2 Private Wealth Pathway
The text is searchable using the find feature on your computer keyboard ‘ctrl+f’ and through search on your smartphone/tablet.
이 책은 실제 책이 아니라 PDF 디지털 사본입니다. 실제 하드 카피를 원하시는 경우 구매하지 마세요.
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